Well, here we are, well into a half of a year with Olivia in our lives. It seems like we've never been without her. Funny thing.. someone told me that your previous life, without children , seems to disappear, once you become parents. I though, no way, I've had a pretty action packed 35 years! But you know, the past is starting to get blurry, with the present bright and clear. I'd say that's a "good" thing.
So December brought me: work, on top of work. So I am back to taking clients at my skin care boutique. Let the juggling begin! So far it has felt good to get a little time with adults and energizing my brain. Working out the timing and logistics of breastfeeding/pumping for Olivia have taken some trail and error, which, I am catching on, is a lot of parenting. Sort of scary! But all in all it is getting worked out and I am still breastfeeding her. Also, fitting service back in each week has been great. It is a joy to spend the time with my studies and get back to my ministry.
Below are highlights, pic's and video!!
Enjoy and see you next month!
6 month milestones:
Eating solids ( mashed)
Sitting up
Dancing in her bouncer
Talking ( baby noises, of course) , laughing up a storm
Sleeping through the night!!! ( that should be at the top of the list! )
Napping like a pro
Crying hardly ever
Easy road tripping to Grandma and Grandpa's
"Finding" (eating) her feet
Lots of walks at Seacliff beach with friends
Walks in the forest of Nicene Marks, with Dad on "picnics"
Meeting her 2 great grandma's
Hanging out on a blanket at the meetings, on the floor, happy as a bug. ( gives our arms a big break. And we can pay attention!)
Trip back to the same delivery room she was born in, to welcome Ela Schnaible!
Welcome Ela!!
walks at the beach
Bad hair days (dad induced)
Reading Stories
Dinner time!
The best noise ever!
Dancing Queen
Mommy and me facials