Friday, September 9, 2011

14 3/4 month update pics!

Signing "doggy.

Who needs a "baby" plate??

Rio Del Mar Beach

An afternoon at Hidden Beach Park

My baby can climb stairs

My baby can sign!

My baby loves birds

14 3/4 month update

Olivia is developing soo fast! She is now walking really well. We take little walks around the court and she loves walking all around the house. Her feet are growing so fast too. Out of those adorable little shoes, way to quickly.
She is starting to say parts of words like: shoe, bird, dog, ball, up, down, bear. She also knows some baby sign language that I have been working on for months. What a reward to see her "talking" back. She "says": mom, daddy, dog, eat, more, water, eggs, bird, milk, cat, shoes, thank you. That's all I can think of now but we will keep on expanding her vocabulary! She also started the My Baby Can Read program. She learned follows along with the words and imitates very well. We are so amazed at how much she can learn so fast at this age.
She is such a happy baby. She sleeps still from 7pm to 7 am and takes 2, 1 hour naps. Sometimes longer. She has 6 teeth now and in 2 weeks we will have a Dr appt with stats to share.
She is officially weaned. Bittersweet. But we all feel good about it. She did great with it and it felt mostly naturally for her time frame. She is now on a sippy cup of almond and cows milk occasionally.
She loves her blanket and is starting to carry it around a little. She snuggles and pats and kisses her dolls and teddy bears. She gives out hugs and kisses on demand and even on her own. We LOVE that. I think she is going to be a very affectionate girl.
Matt is  gearing up to remodel her room for her to move into within the next month or so. So exciting!
I am settling into life as a mom well now and it is feeling more natural and comfortable every day. I love being able to spend so much time with her. It is such a blessing to have her "home grown" and to see before my eyes her developing from a baby into a wonderful little girl. Truely, a gift.

The big 01

Needless to say.. things have changed around here! Olivia hit the 1 year mark with her feet on the ground, literally. She went from her orangutan style scoot, to an upright walk, pretty much after just a few practice sessions. We were all so excited, including herself. So much, that she'd laugh herself into toppling over. Once the novelty slightly wore off, she was at it with confidence and seriousness, arms out to keep her balance and never looked back. Well once she reached her destination she would look back to make eye contact at us and clap her hands for herself. Watch out world, here she comes!

At her 1 year doctor visit she is at the 90th percentile for head size. Ahemm, big brains :), and 90th percentile for height and 35th percentile for weight. Tall, lean and big skull.  Like her papa.

Olivia is eating up a storm will all those calories she is burning. She loves pretty much anything we give her, except flat bread. She actually quivered as she flicked it from her fingers to get it off of them. Hilarious to watch. Must have been a texture thing. From blueberries to waffles scrambled eggs to sticky rice, she eats it up and fast. Like her mama. I blame that on grandpa.

We just moved into a new home July 2nd. The move went smooth and thankfully had wonderful help. It is just around the corner, literally from our previous home. So at least there is not the adjustment of a new neighborhood. After a few nights we were all settling in well and finally getting some normal rest. Olivia did well with the transition, just a little extra clingy, but overall loves the room to roam. We just need to get her to go down steps backwards instead of facing forward. Yikes!

A special thing Olivia started doing is giving kisses. Finally!! We can't get enough. Either can Grandma. It is the sweetest thing and we love it. Ahhhh, good stuff.

A few other highlights were going to the beach with cousin Jasmine, pool party Monday's, and a trip to the board walk to ride her first "ride". She loved it so much, she went on it twice. I was scared out of my brains. But stayed calm and cool, trusting my experienced mom friends that she was "old enough" for the ride. It was soo adorable. Can't wait for Disneyland!

What a busy month. We are looking forward to year 2 of Olivia's life and all the happiness and personality she shares.

BONK! With walking comes falling.