Friday, January 1, 2010

4 month heartbeat!

Ok..How cool is this! I can't believe i was able to get this recording up here!
Matt and I went in for a 4 month check up and all looks and sounds good so far. I like it when Matt comes to the visits.. he asks good questions. I can't seem to come up with many. He heard the heartbeat for the first time. Last month, I didn't take him and he missed it since I didn't know I would get to hear it. Then I learned that they will listen to it every visit now. (Thanks mom!) So much to learn! :)My Doc said the heartbeat seemed about 150bpm or so. Which made me think it was fast since the range reached up to about 160. So it got me thinking about all the "stories" I hear, to determine if it is a boy or a girl. And I heard that a girl heart beat is faster than a boy's. Hmmm? 4 more weeks til we get the ultrasound to tell!

So far at this last check up I have gained 9 lbs. I think it is a bit but I think I had a few to gain. At least I am telling myself that. :) The emergency Manuel's Mexican ( and many other local fav's) restaurant take out dinners to fight the queezies is to blame, I am sure. Oh and all the gellato, fish and chicken burgers with onion rings, fish tacos and so much more yummy food in Maui added up fast! Well and that I have a growing baby inside me too!.. of course.
My eating has gone back to mostly clean food and it feels so good. I am trying to stick to a way of eating called Paleo. It is a "caveman" eating concept, pre-manufacturing days. Fruits, nuts, veggies and meat. No wheat, grains or dairy. It sounds restrictive but i am eating all of those things I want. Plus a few treats and loose days here and there, like Coconut ice cream , cooked sushi rolls, or a piece of Matt's real crust and cheese, pepperoni and extra mushroom pizza. Yummm. I ate this Paleo way pre baby and I feel so much better getting back to it.

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