Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Its a Girl!

Meet Olivia Adelle Arnold!

20 weeks old

We are having a girl! We had the ultrasound on January 28th and got to see her for the first time! She was shaking her little arms and legs and then posed for the camera a bit too. Sounds like her mom. HA! She checked out good according to the Doctor. We even could see the 4 chambers of her heart. Amazing. She weighed 14 oz then, so is growing strong. It was so incredible and beautiful to see her and watch our little girl inside me! We can't wait to meet her!
We will be looking forward to another 3d ultrasound that Matt wants to get where we will get even clearer images and a video. We will do that in a month or 2 i think.

Here are her feet and another pic of her from a top view.

About 2 weeks ago my belly really popped out. I am 22 weeks now and this was taken last week at 21 weeks.

Hee! Gotchya!
This is a strap on belly that i tried on. A client of mine just launched a beautiful maternity clothing line and wanted feedback. I went in and tried lots of things on and she had me use the bump under the clothes to see how they would expand. It was so wild, i had to get a photo! If I get that big, i think i will be ok. It actually didn't feel that bad. But probably because it was made out of stuffed cotton and was not resting on my bladder! It was a kick to say the least! :)

Since I wore my 2 maternity things I had for meeting already and needed something for Sunday.. Saturday I officially went maternity clothes shopping for meeting and service clothes in particular and found some great things that I feel really good in! ( Thanks for the help Dayla!) Even maternity clothes shopping is fun!
Here is one of my dresses on my way out to service. This is my real bump. I think it looks a little bigger than real life in this pic, but I am starting to show now. (Pardon the cheezy self mirror shot. Matt was not home to snap this.)

We have been thinking now about what things we will need for Olivia including a "family" car like this. We took this for a test drive and liked it a lot. I think at some point we will be driving little Olivia around in it. It went back to the lot for now. :)

Other than that we are just starting to think about the things we may need for our little Olivia. Since we have nothing we will have lots of things to gather! Fun!

Olivia is kicking around now. At the meeting Sunday i cracked up because I felt her kicking around. Just little waves and rolls, no real kicks yet. It was so sweet. The talk WAS really good, i think she agreed.
I hadn't felt her too much , but as of Sunday I have felt her at least once a day. Always when I am still, which is not too often. Like at meeting, at bed time, and even during giving my clients treatments i feel her moving. I am sure its just when I am not as distracted. It is soo great!

I am feeling the reality of only 3 months to "get things ready" and lined up to take a leave from work and get my nesting done before I hit the final month! Needless to say it is keeping me busy. But all is lining up well for me to take time off while another Esthetician I am starting to train now, will be maintaining my clients. She will probably stay with me when I return to work as well. I feel really good about her as I helped hire and train her 9 years ago at a spa we worked at together. I also have another new employee training now for the web business order processing and a new marketing assistant that will be able to help me with a lot of "home work" that needs maintaining. Sooo needless to say I feel really good about getting things all lined up now before hand. I am hoping it helps me feel comfortable and calm when I take some time off from being as involved in the businesses, while it still being maintained to take care of Olivia and myself.

I am keeping busy with a few wonderful studies I have too and am looking forward to Jasmine#2 getting baptized at the upcoming Special Assembly Day in March! So many exciting things.

Here is Jasmine and I and Alberta (a special friend from the hall who no doubt be one of Olivia's many spiritual grandma's) on her study yesterday.

Speaking of grandmas. Our fam got together for a wonderful evening with Mom and Dad for their 35 year anniversary last weekend. We had such a nice time and got to share it with Olivia's soon to be grandmas, grandpas, and great grandmas, aunts, uncles and cousins. It was great! I think we should do that once a year.

All in all I am still feeling really good and loving pregnancy. I want it to slow down now though. I have had a few restless nights where I just can't sleep accompanied by some uncomfortable leg cramps, but nothing too bad at all. I am over running races for now, i'm not running much at all really, but still keeping up my normal exercise routines.

I look forward to my next OB check up with my Doctor next Thursday to see how things are going , talk about the ultrasound (since she was not the Doc to do that) and to hear Olivia's heart beat again.. i love that!

Matt is doing great with everything. Still super excited, proud, involved and glowing.... and can not wait to feel her kick!

Ok I am out of things to say... imagine that!?
Till next time.

lots of love.


  1. You are too cute Row!! You totally got me with the belly bump...I was thinking "how on earth could her belly have grown that fast?!" LOL

  2. Hee! That is too funny! Love ya girl!

  3. I thought the same thing about the belly bump. I thought "I just saw her a couple of weeks ago!" I'm so glad you and Matt are so excited. I'm looking forward to meeting my new niece!

  4. I love the Rowbump you look entirely to cute! I love you and I'm so happy for you guy's. Glad you are enjoying every minute. Your blog is great, Thankyou for sharing!! Lots of hugs.
