Wednesday, October 12, 2011

16 months and 24 weeks!

Ok, so yes, baby Noah is on his way. The delay comes from not only being very busy with the move into the new house but also with the me having complete placenta previa. Since 1 bleeding episode, I am now on bed rest and taking little exhales each day and week that passes. Grow Noah grow!

Matt has been super dad and husband. To borrow, my friend's phrase: " the best husband in the WORLD"! I won't get too crazy (oh, yes I will) but he is on me like a hawk when it comes to my activity. At least once a day I hear his, "honey.. what are you dooo-ing", when I get up and start roaming. He makes sure I have water by my side 24/7, am fed, entertained, the house maintained and oh, did I mention he takes care of Olivia all day? Ok enough about his wonderfulness. See pic's.

At first I was down a bit with all the changes and restriction. I said to Matt early on, " I feel like I am not doing my job as a mom!" He, so Mr Miagi like, says, "Oh yes you are, your job has just changed." He has a way of saying certain things that are so simple, yet totally transform my perspective. So let my new job begin! Taking care of me and Noah and keeping us safe and healthy. check! Project Noah has begun and I am taking my job seriously.

Friends have been wonderful about keeping in touch and offering help. Visits and chats with them are so nice! Rachel and Mom have been so generous in driving to help Olivia and I when Matt is gone and taking care of us so well. I have done some crafting, work from home on the laptop, writing, studying, reading, getting ideas for Noah's nursery, writing cards...Things I love doing but don't generally have the time. SO far I have not gone bananas and am feeling surprisingly relaxed. I know, it is still early.

Olivia has turned into a real little woman. She is running, interacting with her stuffed animals, feeding them, she talks non stop in toddler babble, uses her words and signs all day, walks down the stairs, plays hide and seek, kicks a ball, stacks blocks, uses an iphone... Well, she does. She loves watching herself in the videos I take of her. Especially the ones where I am asking her to sign. She follows along with herself in the video with a big smirk.
Last month she weighed in at 22 lbs and 31.5 inches. Long and lean, like her daddy.
She is staying super healthy so far with surprisingly and thankfully, no colds yet.
She waves and says "bye bye" all the time, even at naps and bed time, and blows kisses. I love when she does it at the Kingdom Hall to her friends when she sees them. It is the sweetest thing.
She still loves her books and points to things and identifies most objects in the books when we ask her where they are, and say's and signs "more, more, please" to read again. But then she does that with almost everything these days.

In September, we went on a wonderful trip to a lake house in Pine Mt Lake in Groveland. We all loved spending time with the family and relaxing. We are calling that the baby-moon and anniversary trip since I am not going anywhere soon. I was so thankful for the relaxing get away before the bed rest.

Over all, life just keeps getting better with Olivia and with Noah on the way, we look forward to another bundle of love running around.

Lunchtime for teddy.

Did I mention, Olivia drives boats too?

Running off with a huge piece of chicken.."What!?"...

Signing "again" to daddy.


Family photo.

Great Grandma Beulah and Olivia

Playing peek a boo-hide and seek and signing bird.

A rainy day at home cooking. Matt whipped up home made turkey sweet potato meatballs, berry smoothies and gluten free pumpkin bread for Olivia. Pasta dinner for the big kids and chocolate chip pumpkin bread. yumm!

Breakfast for mama.

100 day count down on the Noah chain.

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